What do you do after you publish a best seller?
In 2011, Rod Santomassimo published Brokers Who Dominate 8 Traits of Top Producers. It became an Amazon best seller in the Commercial Real Estate industry. Someone else might have rushed another book into print, but Rod took his time and learned the lessons his first book had to teach.
Writing a book is good for business
Rod says that more than 60 percent of new clients for his coaching firm mention the book. That’s a powerful reason to write another book.
Listening to readers is a good idea
Readers love to share their impressions of the book. They’ll tell you what they liked and what they think you could do better. They’ll also tell you what they’re interested in.
Marketplace trends can point to your next subject
Rod’s firm works with Commercial Real Estate professionals from all over North America. It’s a great way to spot what’s trending. Rod gives a lot of speeches. Audiences ask questions on what they’re thinking about. All of that is input.
The subject that kept coming up was “teams.” There were more teams in Commercial Real Estate than ever. Not only that, Rod was seeing more and more teams that were different from the teams of old. He decided to write his next book on the new, “integrated” teams in commercial real estate.
Do your homework
Rod reviewed the extensive research literature on teams and found lots of helpful material, but he found something else, too. Much of the research was simply irrelevant for his readers. Some studies only looked at temporary project teams. Others had a research design that didn’t match up well with the real world. Rod had to block out the irrelevant research and study real world teams.
Make it a team effort
Rod brought in experts to help get the job done. He engaged experts in commercial real estate teams and behavioral assessments.
What do you do after you publish a best seller?
In this case, the answer is: publish another one. But take your time, do your research, and deliver value. The result is Commercial Real Estate Teams Build to Dominate.