Kudos to Harold Jarche. Here’s why, taken from his post, “2497 and counting.”
“Yesterday marked 10 years of blogging here at jarche.com. This is post # 2,497. That’s a lot of words, concepts, and half-baked ideas. For example, I have the flow (148 posts to date) of my thoughts on personal knowledge management since my first post in 2004.”
I like Harold’s blog. It’s one my few must-reads. At the risk of over-simplifying, Harold writes about personal knowledge management and the ways that networks are changing our work and our lives. He outlines his thoughts in more detail in the post. His post quality is reason enough to celebrate a decade of Harold’s blogging. But there’s more.
By my calculation, 2497 posts in ten years works out to just about one post for every business day in that decade. We’re not talking about 250 word, one-thought posts, either.
Harold’s posts are thoughtful. They’re long compared to most bloggers. And they’re filled with information and resources. This is a Johann Sebastian Bach level of productivity. It requires a combination of passion and discipline that you don’t see often.
If you want to read some solid ideas about what life and work will look like in the decades ahead, read Harold’s blog. If you want an example of what’s possible, think about his work.