You’re a businessperson. You may not think of yourself as a writer, but you know that writing well can boost your results and your career. Naturally, you want to do better. Here are some recent blog posts and articles that might help. This week I’m pointing you to pieces on ebook prices, improving your writing, and promoting your book.
From Digital Book World: Self-Published Authors Seeing the Wisdom of Higher Ebook Prices
“Last year at this time, the most popular price point for self-published authors using the Smashwords distribution platform was $0.99; this year it’s $2.99, according to analysis by Smashwords. This data dovetails what we’ve seen at Digital Book World through tracking price in the DBW Ebook Best-Seller list. It used to be that the self-published titles that made the list were mostly priced at $0.99 and $1.99. Now, we’re seeing $2.99 and $3.99 emerge as more popular price points.”
From Copyblogger: How to Immediately Become a More Productive (and Better) Writer
“You want to become a better writer. I know this because you’re reading Copyblogger. I also know that you fear becoming a better writer.This I know because you must change to become better, and to fear change is to be human. But what if I told you that you only need to change one thing — one small thing — to achieve your goal of becoming a better writer?”
Becky Robinson is my go-to friend and expert for launching business books. Every week, she publishes a book launch tip on her blog. This week’s tip is “Stay Centered.”
Sources I Check Regularly
I find the posts and articles that I share with you on The Writer’s Edge in many places. But there are a few that provide insightful pieces again and again. Here they are.