Book recommendations for business leaders: 2/16/17

Feb 16, 2017 | Reading Lists

Stephen King says that if you want to be a writer, there are two things you must do: read a lot and write a lot. This is about the “read a lot” part. I include reading lists and book reviews that will help you do business more effectively and write better for business.

In this post, I point you to three very different business book reading lists.

From Jeff Bullas: Books That Will Change Your Life

“Ideas can be provoking and inspiration is exciting but if you don’t act on them nothing happens. Here are 5 books that will change your life. But….only if you start implementing on the ideas revealed.”

From Theodore Kinni: Susan David’s Required Reading

“A psychologist at Harvard Medical School, cofounder and codirector of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, and CEO of Evidence Based Psychology, an organizational development consultancy, David is a leader in the effort to transform how we view emotion in the workplace.”

From David Slocum: Recommended Reading: Top 17 Creative Leadership Book Picks For 2017

“2017 is opening with a stack of new and helpful books on technology, transformation, and the human and business challenges faced by creative leaders. Here is a list of 17 recommended titles.”

Reading recommendations are a regular feature of this blog. Want more recommendations about what to read? Check out my Three Star Leadership blog, Michael McKinney’s LeadingBlog, and Bob Morris’ Blogging on Business.

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