10/19/12: The Writing Edge for Business Writers

Oct 19, 2012 | Better Writing

You’re a businessperson. You may not think of yourself as a writer, but you know that writing well can boost your results and your career. Naturally, you want to do better. Here are some recent blog posts and articles that might help.

This week I’m pointing you to articles on successful book launches, figuring out if you could write a business book, and selling the book you wrote.

From Becky Robinson: 7 Lessons from 7 Book Launches
“In 2012, my company has launched 7 books so far. (6 for other authors, one for me.) Through the experience of each launch, we’re learning ways to serve our clients more effectively. Although our process is similar for each launch, we are refining through trial and error. We’re finding out what works best, and discovering new tools to enhance our work.”

From Erika Andersen: How To Figure Out If You Could Write A Business Book
“Writing a book requires a great deal of work (unless you’re wealthy enough to afford a ghostwriter), so before you commit, I suggest you find out if this is something you really want to do, or just an idle fancy.  Here are three questions to ask yourself before you start:”

From Joanna Penn: Help! My Book Isn’t Selling. 10 Questions You Need To Answer Honestly If You Want To Sell More Books.
“As always, these are not rules, because there are no rules in this crazy, fast-moving self-publishing world. There will also always be outliers who get away with not doing any of the following, but these will at least help with some guidelines!”

Sources I Check Regularly

I find the posts and articles that I share with you on The Writer’s Edge in many places. But there are a few that provide insightful pieces again and again. Here they are.

The CopyBlogger Blog


Anna DeStefano’s Paper.li Newspapers

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