7/5/13: The Writing Edge for Business Writers

Jul 5, 2013 | Better Writing

You’re a businessperson. You may not think of yourself as a writer, but you know that writing well can boost your results and your career. Naturally, you want to do better. Here are some recent blog posts and articles that might help. This week I’m pointing you to pieces on simple writing, blogging mistakes, getting content ideas, and the state of social media.

From Jeff Bullas: The Power of Simple Writing
“The art of simplicity is making its mark as minimalist design principles are being seen in product design, web and even writing.”

From ProBlogger: What Mistakes Did You Make When You Started Blogging? What Would You Do Differently?
“This morning, a new blogger asked me to name 3 mistakes I made when I started blogging so he could avoid the same pitfalls. I thought this might make a good discussion starter and something that might help new bloggers. So… take a few moments to answer these two questions. What are the mistakes you made when you started blogging? What would you have do differently?”

From Peter Shallard: How to Find More Content Ideas than You’ll Ever be Able to Write
“The “secret” to enjoying success online has always been about producing great content. But that creates an uncomfortable problem for the small business owner aspiring to dominate his or her industry:”

From Jeff Bullas: 5 Insights into the Latest Social Media Facts, Figures and Statistics
“Social networks are embedded in our lives. To put that in some perspective it is worthwhile from time to time to see what the social media landscape looks like and review the latest social media facts, figures and statistics.”

Sources I Check Regularly

I find the posts and articles that I share with you on The Writer’s Edge in many places. But there are a few that provide insightful pieces again and again. Here they are.

The CopyBlogger Blog


Digital Book World

Tools of Change for Publishing


Becky Robinson’s Weaving Influence

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