Advice from the Masters: Brian Clark

Jul 16, 2014 | Better Writing

Copyblogger is one of my must-read writing blogs. If you want to write better, you’ll find lots of good advice there. Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger. He is also the author of a stellar post titled “10 Steps to Becoming a Better Writer.” I’m reproducing the post in its entirety because there’s no way to summarize it.

  1. Write.
  2. Write more.
  3. Write even more.
  4. Write even more than that.
  5. Write when you don’t want to.
  6. Write when you do.
  7. Write when you have something to say.
  8. Write when you don’t.
  9. Write every day.
  10. Keep writing.

Want a poster of this wisdom? Brian’s got one for you.

Want more? Check out the complete list of Advice from the Masters posts

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