The Writing Edge for Business Writers: 8/29/14

Aug 29, 2014 | Better Writing

You’re a businessperson. You may not think of yourself as a writer, but you know that writing well can boost your results and your career. Maybe you write a blog. You’re probably thinking about writing a book.

Naturally, you want to do better. Every week I point you to one or two pieces that I think will teach you something or spark an idea or two. This week I’m pointing you to pieces on writing smart content when you’re feeling dumb and content marketing tools.

From Pratik Dholakiya: How to Write Smart Content on Days You’re Feeling Dumb and Distracted

“It’s Wednesday morning, you barely slept last night, missed your morning coffee because you were running late, and are now sat in front of your computer staring at a blank Word file wondering what on earth you’re going to write about. You know you should get on with the task but your hands don’t move and your brain refuses to boot up. You’re longing for Saturday already, but it’s only the middle of the week.”

Wally’s Comment: We all have days like that. There are some good ideas that will help you clear the blockage. Check out my post “Ideas for an Idea-Free Day,” too.

From Jessica Millis: 15 Free Content Marketing Tools To Make Your Life Easier

“These are 15 free content marketing tools that will help you deliver that amazing content to keep your customers coming back for more.”

Wally’s Comment: There are a lot of good tools here. You won’t be interested in all of them, but I bet you find at least one that you want to try.

Sources I Check Regularly

I find the posts and articles that I share with you on The Writer’s Edge in many places. But there are a few that provide insightful pieces again and again. Here they are.

The CopyBlogger Blog


Digital Book World

Becky Robinson’s Weaving Influence

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