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We Were Creative Once… And Young

We Were Creative Once… And Young

Children act creative. Most adults don’t. Children let their ideas bubble over, making up stories and games as they go. Ask them to think of how to do something, and they’ll likely come up with several ideas. Adults don’t act like that. When children are in groups,...

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Writer’s Block: Name It and Tame It

Writer’s Block: Name It and Tame It

When my friend Rick asked me if I ever had writer's block, I gave him my standard response: “No, not really.” Then I thought about it for a bit. Some knowledgeable people don’t believe there’s such a thing as writer's block. Dr. Robert Boice spent a career studying...

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How To Become a Thought Leader

How To Become a Thought Leader

“You can see by our outfits that we are both cowboys. If you get an outfit, you can be a cowboy, too.” Nope. You don’t become a cowboy just by getting an outfit. And you don’t become a thought leader just by saying you are one. Declaring yourself a thought leader...

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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Write a Book

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Write a Book

Yes, everyone does have a book in them. That doesn’t mean that getting it out will be easy. You may imagine getting your book out as akin to opening the door to a cage and letting a bird fly away. Alas, it's more like mining ore, ripping it out of the ground, refining...

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Time to Make Your Summer Reading Plan for 2024

Time to Make Your Summer Reading Plan for 2024

We’ve seen the Flower Moon, the last full moon of Spring. Summer officially starts on June 20 this year. Maybe you think it “really” starts earlier, on Memorial Day. That’s the start of “psychological summer” for me. It’s time to make up your summer reading list....

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The Road To Writing a Book

The Road To Writing a Book

I’ve been a ghostwriter and book writing coach for over twenty years. During that time, I talked to dozens of people about the book they wanted to write and noticed a common pattern. They seem to take similar roads to writing their books. If you think you might want...

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