Advice from the Masters: Lacy Boggs

Feb 15, 2017 | Everything Else

Lacy Boggs is a professional blogger. The following advice is taken from her post “How I Write 8 to 10 Blog Posts a Week.”

“I believe you should schedule dedicated brainstorming time totally separate from your writing time. To me, brainstorming is a totally separate activity. For my clients, I usually help them brainstorm and plan out up to six months worth of topics at a single go.  For my own business, I find that six weeks is a more manageable time frame for planning out my editorial calendar, but I have a long, running list of ideas that I add to whenever inspiration strikes.”

There’s more good stuff in the post and on Lacy’s site, so check them out. I would add that the advice to separate brainstorming/planning from writing isn’t just good for bloggers. If you’re writing a book, make sure that when it’s time to write you can start right in.

Want more? Check out the complete list of Advice from the Masters posts

If you want even more writing advice from writers, check out Jon Winokur’s blog, “AdvicetoWriters.”

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