Reading list for business leaders: 10/6/16

Oct 6, 2016 | Reading Lists

Stephen King says that if you want to be a writer, there are two things you must do: read a lot and write a lot. This is about the “read a lot” part. I include reading lists that will help you do business more effectively and write better for business.

Usually I point you to more than one reading list. Not this week. This week’s list is too long and too good. Check it out and you’ll agree.

From Shane Parrish: What Books Would You Recommend Someone Read to Improve their General Knowledge of the World?

“Inspired by a reader’s question to me, I thought I’d ask our followers on Facebook and Twitter for an answer to the question: What books would you recommend someone read to improve their general knowledge of the world. I must say the number and quality of the responses overwhelmed me. The box Amazon just delivered reminds me that I ordered 9 books off this list.”

Reading recommendations are a regular feature of this blog. Want more recommendations about what to read? Check out my Three Star Leadership blog, Michael McKinney’s LeadingBlog, and Bob Morris’ Blogging on Business.

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