The Writing Edge for Business Writers: 1/19/18

Jan 19, 2018 | Reading Lists

You’re a businessperson. You may not think of yourself as a writer, but you know that writing well can boost your results and your career. Naturally, you want to do better. Every week I point you to articles and blog posts that I think will teach you something or spark an idea or two. The posts are about the intertwined tasks of reading and writing. Some weeks there are more pointers than others.

This week I’m pointing you to posts about a CEO and his novel, wordsmithing, the self-publishing landscape in 2018, and what changes at Facebook mean for book marketing.

From Jesse Lyn Stoner: From CEO to Novelist: A Case Study of Radical Career Changer

“I know John Bell as a leadership expert. By the age of 47, John had turned a bankrupt company into the top coffee company in Canada. Retiring as CEO of Nabob after it was purchased by Kraft, he then became a global strategy consultant and director of several companies. Three years ago, John published the popular leadership book Do Less Better, and I interviewed him at that time. But there’s a world of difference between writing a business book and writing a novel. And I had been quite curious to learn more about why and how John made such a radical career change even before I picked up his book and became totally engrossed in it.”

From Miki Saxon: Worsmithing the BS

“For better or worse I earn my living wordsmithing content, such as websites, blog posts, presentations, etc. Today was definitely worse.”

From IngramSpark: The Self-Publishing Landscape 2017-2018

“The end of any year presents a unique opportunity to combine reflection with forward thinking, and 2018 is no exception. Whether you’re beginning a new novel, writing a book marketing plan for an existing book, or working on any aspect of your self-publishing journey, now is the time to examine the self-publishing landscape at the conclusion of 2017 and prepare accordingly for 2018. Here’s what we saw and predict!”

From Christy Kirk: Facebook Is Changing. What Does That Mean for Your Social Media Marketing?

“Facebook is undergoing one of its most significant changes in years. Mark Zuckerberg has promised to ‘fix’ Facebook after continuing turmoil over “fake news” proliferating on the site. His idea — increase content from friends, family, and groups in the news feed; and limit content from companies, brands, thought leaders, authors, journalists, celebrities and more.”

Sources I Check Regularly

I find the posts and articles that I share with you on The Writing Edge in many places. But there are a few that provide insightful pieces again and again. Here they are.

Alliance of Independent Authors

Frances Caballo

Jane Friedman

Jerry Jenkins

Joel Friedlander

Joanna Penn

Melissa G. Wilson

Men with Pens

Merce Cardus


Daphne Gray-Grant

Becky Robinson’s Weaving Influence

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