The Writing Edge for Business Writers: 11/18/16

Nov 18, 2016 | Resource Lists

You’re a businessperson. You may not think of yourself as a writer, but you know that writing well can boost your results and your career. Naturally, you want to do better. Every week I point you to articles and blog posts that I think will teach you something or spark an idea or two. Some weeks there are more pointers than others.

This week I’m pointing you to pieces on a book marketing checklist, automating your book marketing, and whether or not to hire a professional editor.

From Glenn Ashton: Book Marketing Checklist

“When the task of marketing your self-published book feels unmanageable, it can help to ‘eat the elephant one bite at a time.’ ALLi author Glenn Ashton describes his technique for serving up the beast in bite-sized portions.”

From Tim Grahl: How to Automate Your Book Marketing

“In this article, I’m going to show you how to set up a system that will automatically sell your books for you—and how all the pieces of that system work together seamlessly.”

From Jane Friedman: Should You Hire a Professional Editor?

“Writing and publishing advice can sometimes feel obvious or like common sense: Have a fresh concept. Take out everything that’s boring. Keep the reader turning pages. But being able to truly see if you’ve been successful in writing a compelling work requires objectivity and distance than can be hard to achieve on your own—and this is where a professional editor comes in.”

Sources I Check Regularly

I find the posts and articles that I share with you on The Writing Edge in many places. But there are a few that provide insightful pieces again and again. Here they are.

Frances Caballo

Jane Friedman

Joel Friedlander

Joanna Penn

Melissa G. Wilson

Men with Pens

Merce Cardus


Becky Robinson’s Weaving Influence

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