The Writing Edge for Business Writers: 8/26/16

Aug 26, 2016 | Resource Lists

You’re a businessperson. You may not think of yourself as a writer, but you know that writing well can boost your results and your career. Naturally, you want to do better. Every week I point you to articles and blog posts that I think will teach you something or spark an idea or two. Some weeks there are more pointers than others.

This week I’m pointing you to pieces on leveraging company history, storytelling essentials, and brainstorming techniques.

From Dale Buss: 7 Ways CEOs Can Leverage Company History to Improve Results

“CEOs should do a better job of tapping into the history and heritage of their companies and their brands to advance their goals.”

From Jennifer Smoldt: Six Essentials for Good Storytelling—and Great Content Marketing

“But all that aside, here’s why storytelling matters: Social media has ignited the need for good storytelling—the key word being ‘good.’ Simply put, content now spreads in nanoseconds, so there’s more risk in marketing than ever before. Brand reputation is at stake. Thus the importance and relevance of good storytelling.”

From Melissa G. Wilson: 4 Brainstorming Techniques for Writing

“Brainstorming is the process of developing new ideas that can be used in meaningful ways. From a writing standpoint, brainstorming techniques are often discussed as a way to conquer writer’s block. Although this is true, a good brainstorming session is useful at any time to develop new concepts, ideas, plot points, or even content for a blog.”

Sources I Check Regularly

I find the posts and articles that I share with you on The Writing Edge in many places. But there are a few that provide insightful pieces again and again. Here they are.

Frances Caballo

Jane Friedman

Joel Friedlander

Joanna Penn

Melissa G. Wilson

Men with Pens

Merce Cardus


Becky Robinson’s Weaving Influence

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