Advice from the Masters: Stephen Key

Aug 31, 2016 | Writing A Book

Stephen Key is the author of One Simple Idea: Turn Your Dreams Into a Licensing Goldmine and three other books. He wrote an article for Entrepreneur titled, “So You Want to Write a Business Book.” There he suggests four things you need to have a successful book: a platform, an incentive, a way to promote the book, and “a great writer.” You can read the whole article for the other three. Here’s the “great writer” part.

“You yourself don’t need to be a great writer to write a best-selling book. It’s your insights that matter. Colleen Sell, the ghostwriter I hired to help me write One Simple Idea, did a fantastic job. Her experience was invaluable. In fact, I highly recommend hiring a professional to help you.”

Want more? Check out the complete list of Advice from the Masters posts

If you want even more writing advice from writers, check out Jon Winokur’s blog, “AdvicetoWriters.”

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