2/1/13: The Writing Edge for Business Writers

Feb 1, 2013 | Better Writing

You’re a businessperson. You may not think of yourself as a writer, but you know that writing well can boost your results and your career. Naturally, you want to do better. Here are some recent blog posts and articles that might help.

This week I’m pointing you to pieces on effective writing essentials, the power of headlines, book launch tips, book titles that sell, and publishing a book in three days.

From Debra Johnson: 8 Essential Habits for Effective Writing
“Between children, coworkers, construction, and other c words that stand for chaos, it is a wonder we can get anything written at all. This is when you need to develop some habits that create calm and order in the middle of mayhem. Here are some tips on how to stay productive and writing, even when you have confusion knocking on your door:”

From Vanessa Fox: The Power Of Headlines: The LA Times Gets It Right With Their Piece On The Inauguration
“Journalists call them headlines; SEOs call them titles and headings. Whatever you call them, they’re the words that tell someone that your article is what they want to read. Look at Google News any day of the week for examples of headlines that give you absolutely no idea what the article might be about. Search engines don’t know what to rank them for; users don’t know whether to click.”

From Becky Robinson: Best Book Launch Tips: Let Your Goals Guide Your Strategy
“As you prepare to market your book, you will want to be absolutely clear about your goals, and you want to allow your goals to guide your strategy.”

From Rob Eagar: 5 proven ways to create a bestselling book title
“As a marketing consultant who’s coached over 400 authors, I’m frequently asked about how I help my clients develop great book titles. I’ve been fortunate to have success in this area, such as working behind-the-scenes on two recent New York Times bestsellers, Made to Crave and Unglued. People ask me, “What’s your secret to a killer title?” My answer is that I don’t have a secret. Instead, I create and judge book titles by whether they are able to pass this five-question test”

From Adam Hyde: Zero to book in three days
“One of the burdens of book creation is the enormous time periods involved. Ask any publisher for a timeline for producing a book and you will be surprised if you get back an answer this side of 12 months. In this day however that timeline is looking increasingly glacial. How can we accelerate book production? How fast could it get? How does three days sound? Enter Book Sprints.”

Sources I Check Regularly

I find the posts and articles that I share with you on The Writer’s Edge in many places. But there are a few that provide insightful pieces again and again. Here they are.

The CopyBlogger Blog


Digital Book World

Tools of Change for Publishing


Becky Robinson’s Weaving Influence

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