Writing Aids

This page is for articles, worksheets, tip sheets, and checklists to help you improve your writing and get the work done. I will continue to add resources to this page so please check back from time to time.

Do You Want to Write and Publish a Business Book? How to Go From Your Idea to a Book You’re Proud Of

If you’re considering writing a business book, this white paper will give you an idea of what it will take to go from an idea in your head to a book in your hands.

The Sacred Seven Productivity Principles: How to Write a Book You Can Be Proud of Without Going Crazy

If you’re like most of my clients, your biggest challenge will be fitting your book writing project into an already overstuffed life. Discover what I’ve learned about making it work from fifty years of writing and more than twenty coaching writers. Includes reasons why some common advice is dangerous.

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