If you intend to write a great business book or craft memorable blog posts, you need storytelling in your toolkit. Most of the books about storytelling fall into one of two groups.
Some books are about storytelling as an art form. If you want to win storytelling competitions, then these are for you. But if you want to tell the stories that make a book, blog, or business presentation effective, they’re pretty much a waste of time.
The other group consists of books on storytelling that might help you do a better job of communicating in business. Alas, most of them are out of print. But there is one …
The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence, and Persuasion through the Art of Storytelling by Annette Simmons will help you discover when, how, and why to use a story in your writing or presentations. Chapters include “The Six Stories You Need to Know,” “What a Story Can Do that Facts Can’t,” and “How to Tell a Good Story.” There’s also material on the psychology of stories and how to make choices about some of your story details.