Procrastinate Like a Pro for Creativity and Stress Relief
Everyone seems to think that procrastination is a bad thing. But there are two kinds of procrastination. Psychologists call one “escapism.” That can be bad because you can escape from writing or other important work until it’s too late. But there’s also strategic...

Make Imposter Syndrome Work for You
I have a confession to make. Sometimes, I pretend to be a writer. When I was first working for myself, I used several tricks to get my work done. Her’s an example. I pretended I was going to the office. In the morning, I would get up, shower, eat breakfast, and put on...

Develop Writing Habits That Work for You
Every human being is unique. Authors are human beings. Therefore, every author is unique. One of your challenges is to develop a unique way of working that fits your situation and builds on your strengths. One of my challenges as a coach is to help you. Here’s what...

Unlock Your Best Writing by Getting Enough Good Sleep. Here’s How.
If you intend to write a book, getting enough good sleep is essential. We both know that. We also know that you probably aren’t getting enough good sleep. I went to the experts to figure out how you can do better. I chose Dr. Andrew Huberman, Dr. Chris Winter, Dr....

A Part-Time Author’s Guide To Staying Motivated
Every book project begins with high hopes. Most don’t end in either glory or dramatic frustration. They peter out and end quietly worn down by the friction of life. My clients are mid-life and mid-career. Somedays, their life is like surviving a drone attack with the...

Quitter’s Day
In 2019, Strava declared the second Friday of January as “Quitter’s Day.” Strava is a fitness tracking and social networking platform for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. When they analyzed data from over 800 million user-logged activities, they found that about 80...

5 Great Reads and Some Discoveries From 2024
David Ogilvy said he preferred hiring people with “richly furnished minds.” I read because I am endlessly curious about all sorts of things and want to furnish my mind richly. I read lots of books in 2024, but a few stand out from the rest. Here is my list of the five...

Is your book idea ready for prime time?
Do you have an idea for a business book? Just about everybody who reads a business book says to themselves that one time or another, “I should write a business book.” Some people take the next step. They generate an idea for the book they want to write. Is that you?...

2 Things To Write Before You Write Your Book
A pinch of planning can prevent a pound or two of rewriting. When most people come to me for coaching, they're all charged up and chomping at the bit to write. Alas, they haven’t done the most basic planning. It doesn’t take much, but a pinch of planning can make...

3 Ways to Evaluate Your Book Idea
It may not be true that everyone has a book inside them, but it sure seems like it’s true that everyone you meet has got at least a dozen good ideas for a book. Alas, a good idea is essential, but it’s not enough. You’ve got to write the book. That’s going to take a...