Author Coaching

Coaching is a good choice for you if you want to write and research your book yourself, but you don’t want to master all the details of turning your ideas into a great book. It’s the best choice if you’re the sort of person who uses writing as a learning tool.

Coaching lets you use the expertise I’ve developed over decades of writing and coaching to help you concentrate on the stories and ideas in your book without mastering the many details of the book writing and publishing process. Here are examples of how coaching has worked for three clients.

Susan is a successful consultant who’s noticed a gap in the books on her specialty. In our first sessions together we clarified her market and message and developed a preliminary outline for the book. We designed a protocol for original research. We’ve since modified the outline and we’re reviewing every chapter as she writes it. I’m also guiding her through the process of deciding how to publish and completing that portion of the project.

Mary Jo wanted to write a book to share the personal development lessons she’s taught as a top executive coach. In a minimum number of sessions, we clarified her audience, purpose, and the structure of her book. That’s all she needed.

Be sure to check out the testimonials page for more on how coaching can work.

You will decide how much coaching you want and whether you want it on a set schedule or not. Coaching is billed at my hourly rate. The total for coaching on book writing projects has ranged from $450 to $9000.

That gives you an idea of how my coaching services can work, but you’ve got a unique situation so, when you’re ready, contact me about a free, no obligation, Options Review Session where I’ll answer whatever questions you’ve got about getting your book done.

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