A bunch of business book reviews: 7/5/15

Jul 5, 2016 | Reading Lists

“Leaders are readers.”

Yep, if you want to do that leading thing well, you need to read. One challenge is sorting through all the “leadership” and other business books to find good ones. This post should help. Here are some pointers to reviews of and excepts from recent leadership (in the broadest sense) books.

In this post I point you to three reviews of Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create & Dominate Markets.

From Wharton: Corning: A 150-year Old Category Creation Machine

“In the following excerpt from their book Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets, they explain how CorningWare has been so successful.”

From Mike Maples, Jr.: Play Bigger: A Must-Read for Startup Founders

“Play Bigger is a must-read new book for founders. I believe that its ideas and frameworks will be relevant to the next ten years in the same way that the ideas of lean startups and customer development were to the last ten.”

From Bob Morris: Play Bigger: a book review

“In this book, Al Ramadan, Dave Peterson, Christopher Lochhead, and Kevin Maney explain how almost any company can dominate its competitive marketplace. Category design is one of the key concepts that they examine. What is it?”

Reading recommendations are a regular feature of this blog. Want more recommendations about what to read? Check out my Three Star Leadership blog, Michael McKinney’s LeadingBlog, and Bob Morris’ Blogging on Business.

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