Advice from the Masters: Mike Figliuolo

Jul 15, 2015 | Writing A Book

Mike Figliuolo is the Managing Director of thoughtLEADERS, LLC. He’s the author of One Piece of Paper: The Simple Approach to Powerful, Personal Leadership and the co-author (with Victor Prince) of Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results. I recently interviewed Mike about Lead Inside the Box and how he and Victor got the book written.

In the course of the interview, I asked Mike for one piece of advice for someone who wanted to write a book. Here it is.

“Know why you’re writing the book. Is it a bucket list thing? To make money? To get a message out that you’re passionate about? To serve as a calling card? To drive your speaking/teaching business? To build your reputation as an expert? If you don’t know why you’re writing it, it won’t be successful because you don’t have a goal. If you understand why, it’ll drive how you write, what you write about, whether you get published or self publish, and how you position/promote the book. Understanding the book’s role in your life is critical to success.”

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