For most of history it’s been all about getting the one right answer. Theologians argued and people were killed over the answers to questions of faith. Frederick Taylor wanted to identify the one right way that every task should be done. The attitude has even invaded beer commercials. Is it “tastes great” or “less filling?”
That’s how it was for most of my education, too. If the authority figure at the front of the room asked a question, you could be sure of two things. There was only one right answer and the authority figure already knew what it was.
If you want to write a great book, you have to forget “the right answer” and start considering intelligent choices. From the way you open the book to the way you close it, there will be several choices that work. You can even choose between placing your punctuation inside or outside quotation marks.
If you’re writing a book, kick the “right answer habit.” Say to yourself over and over, “There are no right answers, there are only intelligent choices.”