Business book authors and Kindle Unlimited

Jan 6, 2015 | Profit

The headline is a tad strident: “For the Indie Writers of Amazon, It’s Publish or Perish.” But David Streitfeld does a good job of explaining the challenges that Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited service presents to independent authors. Here’s a key paragraph.

“Traditional book publishers have been reluctant to participate too much in reading-subscription services, for fear that individual books, their authors and the editors who shape them will be devalued. But self-published writers, also called independent or indie writers, many of whom have just begun their careers, see little to lose.”

Most of the business authors I work with are independent. They choose to publish their own work for the control and speed to market they gain. If that’s you, here are some facts you should consider when you think about Kindle Unlimited.

Fact: All-you-can-eat services are here to stay.

So-called “all-you-can-eat” music and book services, like Kindle Unlimited aren’t going away. They offer consumers something enticing. You choices involve whether and how to deal with them. Most of the important facts about being a successful independent business book author were true before Kindle Unlimited and they’re not going to change.

Fact: Most business authors have never made big money from book sales

Sure, Jim Collins gets a hefty royalty check. And Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson did just fine with their self-publishing venture. But they’re the exception. That was true before Kindle Unlimited and it’s not going to change.

Fact: Savvy business authors have always made money from their book

Savvy business authors have used books to establish credibility and demonstrate expertise. That allows them to raise fees, pick up more paid speaking gigs, and take on more desirable clients.

Those same savvy authors have created a network of income producing products and services around their books. That was true before Kindle Unlimited and it’s not going to change.

Fact: People buy the business books they like

Business books drive action. People read them to do things differently so they get better results. When you’ve found a book that promises to make your life better you don’t want to just rent or borrow it. You want to buy it. That was true before Kindle Unlimited and it’s not going to change

If you’re a business book author, think about Kindle Unlimited as part of your total product and marketing strategy. Great books that are well promoted will still sell and still help their authors build their business and careers. That was true before Kindle Unlimited and it’s not going to change.

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