All my clients are motivated when they start their book projects. They’re full of enthusiasm. They know they will be challenged to do good work, and...

All my clients are motivated when they start their book projects. They’re full of enthusiasm. They know they will be challenged to do good work, and...
You decided to write a book. Great! That’s exciting. Writing a book can make a difference in your life and your business. It can make a difference...
“I could do that.” The Olympic Games are on. All over the world, people sit on couches watching marvelous athletic performances on their screens and...
Joe, Judy, and Mike were all working steadily on their books. Then life intervened. A crisis in Joe’s business claimed his time and attention. He...
Yes, everyone does have a book in them. That doesn’t mean that getting it out will be easy. You may imagine getting your book out as akin to opening...
I’ve been a ghostwriter and book writing coach for over twenty years. During that time, I talked to dozens of people about the book they wanted to...
"The process of writing is not the process of typing on the keyboard; it's the process of crawling around on my carpet, organizing my piles [of...
Ken Blanchard is the first person I ever heard say, “Feedback is ‘The Breakfast of Champions.’” Feedback is important for athletes, managers, and...
The bookcase just didn’t fit in. When Bill and I lived in the same city, we spent a good deal of time together, mostly investigating the local brew...
It’s been a long day, but now dinner is done, and Dave sinks into his favorite chair. He reaches over and picks up a copy of your book for the first...