A good time to think about the information products that will secure your future is while you’re writing your book. You can do that effectively if you ask product development questions every time you review your work.
Ask product development questions whenever you review.
Ask your product development questions after you finish writing a chapter. Ask them when you revise and when you edit. Ask product development questions every time you review your material in any way.
What can I do to help readers get the most from this material?
Sure, you’re writing the best and clearest book you can, but other products can make it easier for people to get value. Ask what else you could do that would help readers get more value. Don’t screen the answers. This is brainstorming..
How else can I present this material?
Think about the three kinds of information products. How could you present the same material in each of them?
Asking the questions is not enough.
Capture your answers. You won’t remember them an hour from now, let alone weeks or months from now. Capture them, file them away, and review them when it’s time to plan for developing the products that will support your book.